One thing i had to consider was, where to put the climax of my video. The lyric that corresponded to the shot was too early in the video. So i had to put it in later though it didn't fit i think it was necessary for the video to have an interesting pace. Also the final couple of minutes drag on but this is due to the length of the song. I used windows moviemaker as the school laptops sucked. This meant i couldn't add effects to the pictures so they don't really keep with the mise en scene of my piece. I also couldn't add the red effect i achieved using a red light in post production, as i wanted more shots to have it.
Another issue was effects. i really like the 'old film' grainy flickery effect on some shots and not others. it has been very difficult to choose whether to go all effect free, all grainy or a mix. I settled on a mix, removing the effect on the shots which i thought looked better without. Those were the flame and blood shots as those shots were vivid and the grain dulled the colour and the sharpness of the focus. I don't think the grainy/non-grainy differences between shots was noticable. but the gainy shots gave the piece a olde worlde feel which was my aim, and the non grainy shots gave the piece added visual appeal.
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