How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
My music video and ancillary tasks are very much a deliberate look at the same theme. All three have war imagery combined with subversive anti-commercial content and mode of display. I feel my combination of ancillary and main task is especially effective in terms of my target audience and genre. All fit into audience likes and desires in products. The appearance of bucking the trend may well be appealing to the band's following. The band often use stories as lyrics rather than introspective lyrics often found in music. This story led ethos means creating a world within the listeners head. I feel my products help to achieve this.
The encroaching dark at the bottom of my magazine advert gives a hint towards the darker feel of the video. The Russian theme can be found in the lyrics the font of the album cover and advert. Red is another prominent factor, it has obvious connotations of blood and violence. It can be found as the background of my album and of the set. I think the strong red and grim imagery will make the album striking on the shelves of a music store. My entire colour scheme of all three pieces in essentially red, yellow and black, grey and white. No greens or blue or vibrant colours are used. This helps to achieve the sombre atmosphere around my pieces. My magazine advert is one of the stop motion frames from my video so has a very strong link. The grain is a reoccurring motif, essential for the band to remain in the forefront of the viewers mind by heavily associating them with a symbol. I thought the grain symbol appropriate as it is in the lyrics and fits in with the band's other work which include many pastoral themes. Another motif i would've liked to have universal across the products is barbed wire. I think it looks very effective on the album cover and could've easily been incorporated into the advert. Real barbed wire would've made an sinister and effective prop for my video. Military symbols were however used, in my advert the soldier, my album cover barbed wire and my video there are numerous references including: soldiers, drums and skulls. All three pieces have a old feel to them, this adds interest as well as unity. It fits well with the theme and the band's ethos of being interested in history. The pieces also feel 'rustic' clinical modern sharp lines and metal surfaces are far removed from my products. I also used the same two fonts in advert and album cover. The Russian title font, which i thought was striking. I imagine it is an image rarely seen in magazines and therefore be memorable. I also used a 'olde worlde' font for the smaller pieces of text. I think my album over is fairly
minimal which would also stand out against other covers.
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