i didn't make the story readable enough, the lyrics and pictures dont state clearly enough the Russian part.
mise en scene
didnt get tedious
stop motion went down well
head out of grain
red lighting
relevant but not typical
steady and flowing
lyrics and content match well
interesting gripping
different time effort
drags on a bit
drums not in synch
what is with the peanuts
"not much of an obvious story line but parts of the video matched the lyrics"
'couldnt see soldiers in one shot'
Of the 20 odd evaluation sheets i had about 17 were level 4 and 3 were level 3. Most found it on the whole effective, though many found the end of the video failed to keep the audiences attention. Many said the ideas were imaginative and a good sense of mise en scene.
Feedback i received from a friends as i edited resulted in several changes in my piece, bit he didn't like were pointed out and addressed. For example continuity errors such as the head having red in it mouth before what shouldve been a shot of the initial dribble.
Do you accept the comments of your audience or would you want to challenge them?
I would challenge those commenting on the pace, mainly as they are not my target audience. My piece is not a standard piece for the music industry as a whole. It is very much niche and aimed at an audience who are interested in more arty conceptual pieces. I would challenge those who said the story didnt make sense as there isn't really a story just images that i felt related to the feel and message of the song. My piece conforms to the work of the decemberists.
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